近日,河北农业大学华北作物种质资源研究与利用教育部重点实验室马峙英教授团队完成的a newly-identified cluster of glutathione s-transferase genes provides verticillium wilt resistance in cotton,在植物学国际著名刊物the plant journal在线发表。
此外,马峙英教授团队2018年还在nat genet、mol plant pathol、bmc plant biol、theor appl genet、front plant sci、plant cell tiss org等国际著名期刊,发表棉花产量、品质、抗逆性等重要性状的基因组研究和遗传改良相关论文,共8篇。论文发表题目及网址如下:
1.resequencing a core collection of upland cotton identifies genomic variation and loci influencing fiber quality and yield
2.the cotton laccase geneghlac15enhanced verticillium wilt resistance via increasing defense-induced lignification and lignin components in the cell wall of plants
3.hyprp1performs a role in negatively regulating cotton resistance to v. dahliae via the thickening of cell walls and ros accumulation
4.a genome-wide association study uncovers novel genomic regions and candidate genes of yield-related traits in upland cotton
5.identification of snps and candidate genes associated with salt tolerance at the seedling stage in cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.)
6.systematic analysis of cotton non-specific lipid transfer protein family revealed a special group that is involved in fiber elongation
7.molecular cloning of ve promoters from gossypium barbadense and g. hirsutum and functional analysis in verticillium wilt resistance
编辑:宣传部 姚运肖